
Showing posts from August, 2016


"Sometimes, we need to be HURT in order to GROW. We must LOSE in order to GAIN. Sometimes, some LESSONS are learned best through PAIN." 的确,要付出才能有收获 俗语说得好 一分耕耘,一分收获 你要跳的高,你得先蹲下来,再跳 那样才能跳得高 天下没有白吃的午餐 努力过,成功就会跟上你 别放弃 不尝试,永远都不会知道答案 你就真心/甘愿那样放弃吗? 在职场上,感情路上,谁不成失败过,被骂过 失恋过,总会一次比一次好的 一次又一次的学习,爬的更高,更好 跌倒,爬起身,再继续 不要怕痛 要知道,你不坚强 谁来帮你扛? The past is behind, Learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, LIVE it... 加油...